5 Yoga Poses for Fertility

How do these yoga poses help with fertility?

Yoga can help make you more fertile in a variety of ways. First of all, it reduces your stress levels, which can help immensely: a more relaxed you makes for a much more fertile environment! Secondly, the following poses help to open your hips, groin and pelvis, improving the circulation to these areas and improving hormone production. Furthermore, increased blood supply here can help relax uterine tissues, making embryo implantation that much more more possible.

Do these poses in amongst others you already do, or on their own for a brief, relaxing start to your day. Remember to stay calm, and breathe fully while doing these and any yoga poses.


Cobbler's Pose

From a seated position with your legs straight, bend your knees, bringing the soles of your feet together and letting your knees fall to either side.

Keep your spine long and tall.

Press the outer edges of your feet together, and bend forward slightly, keeping your spine long and tall.

Note: if you're a beginner, you may need to use some padding under your buttocks for support.

5 Yoga Poses for Fertility

Cobbler's Pose









Goddess Pose

From Cobbler's Pose, lean backward, bringing your elbows to the floor.

Lower your back all the way to the floor.

Rest here for a comfortable length of time. Beginners may need a bolster for lower back support.

5 Yoga Poses for Fertility

Goddess Pose









Bridge Pose

Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet hip-distance apart. Reach down with your fingertips to see if you can feel your heels. If not, walk your heels a little closer to your body.

Lift your hips towards the ceiling, keeping your feet and palms flat on the floor.

Hold this pose for a comfortable period of time, then release and roll slowly back to the floor.

5 Yoga Poses for Fertility

Bridge Pose










Crescent Lunge

From a low lunge with your right knee forward, drop your left knee to the floor.

Bring your hands onto your right knee and your right knee directly over your right ankle.

Inhale deeply, then raise your arms above your head, keeping your arms in line with your ears.

Exhale and deepen forward into the lunge, bending your right knee more if possible. Be careful not to bring your knee in front of your ankle.

Repeat on your left side.

5 Yoga Poses for Fertility

Crescent Lunge










Garland Pose

Squat on the floor and keep your feet flat, facing forward. Your heels should also be flat and facing forward on the floor.

Now gently separate your thighs, wide enough so that you can lean your torso forward slightly.

Join your hands in a salutation as you press your elbows against your inner knees. This will press against your front torso and lengthen it further.

Hold this position for a comfortable period of time.

5 Yoga Poses for Fertility

Garland Pose









These links may also be helpful:

Female Fertility

Private and Semi-Private Yoga

Yoga Chair Classes


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