7 Benefits of Mindful Breathing

mindful breathing st clair west forest hill toronto

Obviously breathing more deeply relaxes you – most people know that. But by using the deep breathing technique we're going to give you at the end of the article, and by using it every day, you may see some of these amazing benefits:

1. Better Breathing. Well, duh, but it should still be said that this practice can help those of us suffering from such breathing issues as asthma and chronic bronchitis. Did you know, however, that consistent deep breathing can also help with breathing issues such as those caused by allergies or sinusitis? It's true!

2. Less Pain. Studies show that deep breathing can release endorphins into your body, which can help to reduce pain anywhere you're feeling it. This is furthered by the cleansing, detoxifying process of deep breathing which helps rid your body of the nasty oxidizing elements that contribute to pain symptoms. Ahh, that feels better already.

3. More Calm. This also goes without saying, but knowing that deep breaths calm us and actually taking them to calm us, are two different things! And know that making the effort does increase alpha waves in your brain, which are responsible for the wakeful, relaxed state that athletes experience while 'in the zone'.

4. Better Digestion. Relaxing the muscles you feel is just the start – mindful breathing can also help to relax the smooth muscle tissue that lives inside your gut which, when tense because of stress, can greatly impede your digestive process. Your liver and pancreas will relax as well, enabling them to release the chemicals they produce that help digest your food.

5. Balanced Blood Pressure. Even the researchers at Harvard agree that breathing is essential to good health. In this article they explain the science behind the breathing process, and point out that it can lower or simply balance out blood pressure, meaning that it can help with low blood pressure as well, something not many people have issue with but is still a potential concern for some.

6. You Look Better. Because of the increased oxygen in your blood from deep breathing, more toxins are removed from your body and your skin will look healthier. In fact, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, your lungs are directly connected to your skin. So get breathing – it's like a free facial!

7. Healthier Relationships. Whoever said to 'take a deep breath' before saying something you might regret wasn't joking – it really is the smart thing to do. In fact, regular deep breathing will help you think better, reduce your stress, release endorphins, and it can even help to heighten the level of orgasm you can feel. All good things for healthier relationships.

Here's how to practice basic deep breathing:

Sit or lay in a comfortable position (sit if you think that laying down will encourage you to sleep). Now close your eyes, and breathe out through your nose, counting to 5 as you do so. Then breathe in through your nose for a count of 5, imagining that the air you're inhaling is the cleanest, purest air you could ever breathe. Then exhale to a count of 5 again, this time imagining that the air that you're exhaling is taking with it all the toxins and impurities that have built up inside you. Repeat this process 5 to 10 times. And don't worry if this feels unnatural to you; after several days of doing this, you'll notice how good you're feeling and it will come naturally. You can even do a variation with your eyes open when standing in line for something! This variation may not relax you quite as much, but it will still feel fantastic. So get into mindful breathing and feel great!

By Richard Lobbenberg, R.TCMP

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