Category Archives: Stress and Natural Health Care

Massage Therapy and Boosting Your Immune System

You probably know that massage therapy can help to relax your muscles, improve your sleep, and even reduce your stress levels, but did you know that it can also help to boost your immune system? It's true! In fact, stress and the effect it has on your immune system is a big reason why massage…
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Stress and Fertility

Since stress has become such an important figure in today's modern society, it's no wonder that an abundance of it can have an impact on your ability to conceive. You may have been told to 'just relax and let it happen', assuming stress is the culprit, but that's easier said than done. Especially when the…
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5 Ways to Cope With Stress During Pregnancy

Being pregnant causes all kinds of physical and emotional changes inside of you, and the thought of an impending labour, not to mention a dramatic life-change, can certainly cause even the most relaxed person at least a little bit of stress. And so you focus on doing things like eating well, exercising, and following the…
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5 Calming Scents

Sometimes all you can do to relax is sit down and do... nothing. Well, when you're doing that, here are a few scents you can perhaps partake in – either in essential oil form, food form, or otherwise. The more natural, the better, so avoid chemically-created scents that mimic what you're after. And be sure…
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