Menorrhagia (Very Heavy Periods)

What is menorrhagia?

Menorrhagia is considered abnormally heavy menses at regular intervals, i.e. you have your period at the same time every month, but it is heavier than normal (greater than 25-80ml).  Although this condition is common among premenopausal women, most women do not experience enough blood loss during their period to have what is considered menorrhagia.  With true menorrhagia, every period you have is severe enough that you are so weakened from blood loss you can not maintain your usual activities.

Possible causes of menorrhagia include blood clotting difficulties (e.g. with clotting disorders or with the use of anticoagulant medication), and excessive buildup of your endometrial lining (e.g. just after puberty and just before menopause).  Risk factors for menorrhagia include obesity, anovulation (a central factor in polycystic ovarian syndrome), and estrogen therapy.

Your doctor's decision on treatment will depend on defining an underlying cause of your menorrhagia, and any associated anemia may be treated accordingly.  Oral contraceptive pills or anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed, although there are side effects to consider.  In severe cases, a hysterectomy may be an option.

Can menorrhagia be treated naturally?

Consider natural health care when it comes to your period.  Nutritional counselling will help ensure that you are receiving all the essential foods, and can help you gain or lose weight where necessary.  Acupuncture and TCM can help balance out your hormone levels, and generally regulate your period through a series of treatments that will likely involve herbs.  Yoga is great for strengthening your body and realigning your cycles, and massage therapy can help you reduce stress.

Contact us for a FREE consultation on how natural therapy can help you with your periods.

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