Pregnancy Support Program

pregnancy support st clair west toronto
The Pregnancy Support Program:
36 Sessions in a 36 Week Program = $2,750 (more than a 10% savings)
The Pregnancy Support Program includes 3 naturopathy sessions, 12 acupuncture* sessions, 12 chiropractic sessions, and 9 sessions of your choice.**

Congratulations!  You have begun a fantastic process that will undoubtedly change your life. But in spite of the joyous emotions that accompany your good news, you may also be wondering what you can do to ensure that your pregnancy is healthy, comfortable, and as manageable as possible.  Yellow Gazebo's Pregnancy Support Program can help you manage your pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, gastroesophageal reflux, edema, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain and more.  And the bigger picture is that we will be there for you, every step of the way!

*To receive the discounted rate indicated above, the acupuncture would have to be performed by the clinic owner, Richard Lobbenberg. However, alternate arrangements for discount can still be made in order to see other YG acupuncturists, if preferred.

**Please note that our customizable programs can be modified to include the services you most desire.


Contact us for a FREE consultation about our Pregnancy Support Program.

These links may also be helpful:


6 Home Remedies for 'Morning' Sickness

Acupuncture for Headaches During Pregnancy

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Pregnancy

Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy

Chiropractic for Low Back Pain During Pregnancy

Webster Technique


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