Piriformis Syndrome Treatment

Piriformis Syndrome Treatment

Piriformis syndrome treatment can sometimes be simple, and at other times can take a while for lasting effects to take place. Either way, it’s always important to understand what is happening to cause your pain, and then to create the relief you need.

Your piriformis muscle is a small muscle that runs behind your gluteus maximus from your sacrum to the top of your thigh bone. And if you suffer from low back pain, there’s a very good chance that you might have what’s called piriformis syndrome. Commonly confused with “sciatica,” did you know: the two cannot really be differentiated between conclusively without actually performing an autopsy?! So if you’re diagnosed with either one (and sciatica is indeed more commonly diagnosed), simply take the diagnosis to heart as you’ll never know for sure which it really is.

How is piriformis syndrome diagnosed?

Your physiotherapist, chiropractor or other health care practitioner might put you through a series of tests, most of which will be physical although they may recommend getting a test such as an MRI done as well. If there are no obvious signs of disc herniation or spinal degradation then you likely have piriformis syndrome, although there’s no definitive way to tell this for sure and in fact you might even have both sciatica and PS at the same time!

How is piriformis syndrome treated?

At Yellow Gazebo, your treatment will of course depend on which type of practitioner you see first, and the precise pattern of pain and discomfort you are experiencing. While a chiropractor might adjust you, a physiotherapist or osteopath will likely manipulate your hips to create relief. An acupuncturist would likely needle your sacrum and hip joints (plus take your pulse to determine your own precise needs beyond your pain), and a massage therapist would likely massage the right muscles around your hips and legs.

Exercise often works very well alongside these various types of manual therapy, so be prepared to do some homework to help you get free from pain, and to prevent the pain from coming back. We’ll be happy to show you all the right stretches and strengthening exercises that you’ll need. Also be prepared to make some small changes in your day-to-day lifestyle, for example how you sit at your desk, how long you sit before moving, and what other changes you can make for optimal recovery and lifelong health (you may even want to see one of our naturopathic doctors for diet and supplement recommendations).

If you would like to meet with someone to assess and treat your injury, call us now at 416-909-2334, or use the online booking link below.

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