The Best Way to Prevent Knee Pain

The Best Way to Prevent Knee Pain

Knee pain can come in a variety of ways so generally speaking, we’re talking in this post about knee pain going up and/or down the stairs, likely with some crepitus as well (i.e. clicking, popping or grinding noises in your knee - possibly because the cartilage that covers the bones in your knees has developed uneven surfaces over time).

Most of the time knee pain with noises is caused by the knee cap not tracking properly through the groove in the femur bone. This phenomenon is exacerbated by age, overuse (e.g. with athletics), or even underuse of muscles and tendons that might weaken or tighten in such a way that the patella loses its support.

What Can You Do to Prevent Knee Pain?

Well, if your patella isn’t tracking correctly, your best start is probably to visit one of our chiropractors or physiotherapists so that you can get a legal diagnosis and then use that information to work out a treatment plan with them. They may then recommend or advise about potentially also (or sometimes instead) seeing one of our massage therapists, acupuncturists, or osteopaths.

One of the recommendations you may receive from our experts is the suggestion of certain exercises. Using exercise as an adjunct to relieving pain is very often the best way to quickly relieve your pain, and then to prolong or prevent the return altogether of the discomfort.

What Exercises Can Help With Knee Pain?

While you should defer to our experts after having been properly diagnosed, generally speaking when it comes to relieving pain in your knee, you will want to strengthen the muscles around your knee. This can involve regularly doing such exercises as shallow squats, clam shells, leg lifts and quad setting. Note: please make sure that any exercise you do is after proper instruction to make sure you are doing the exercise in such a way as to prevent further injury.

Other ways to help with your knee pain may involve using heat or ice, doing more (or less depending on your current level of activity) walking or biking, and wearing more supportive shoes.

To watch one of our fun and informative videos on knee pain, please click this link!

If you’d like some more information on how we can help with your knee pain, would like to book a free consultation or would like to go ahead and schedule an appointment at Yellow Gazebo, please give us a call at 416-909-2334, email us at, or use the online booking link below. We’ll be happy to help you get on your way to optimum health.

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