Category Archives: Exercise and Natural Health Care

5 Tips on Exercising with Diabetes

If you have diabetes or are even borderline diabetic, exercise can be very beneficial to keeping your blood sugar levels in the 'safe zone', and also lowering your risk of heart disease. Of course, it's not always so easy to start up a new exercise routine when you're not used to it. And if you're…
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10 Tips for Relaxing Your Muscles

Have muscle tension that you need some help with?  Try some of these tips: 1. Breathing. Whether you've just finished working out or are stuck in a traffic jam, a few deep breaths can go a long way. First, try to become aware of tense spots in your body, how you're sitting/standing, and generally how…
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Working Out While Sick – Good Idea or No?

If you exercise regularly, you know what it's like to wake up and feel sick, then immediately wonder if working out that day is a good idea or not. If bed rest and fluids are a generally prescribed plan, how can exercise make sense? And yet, some doctors say that it won't have any effect…
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