Category Archives: Blog

The Top 5 Myths About Heart Disease

Knowing whether or not your heart is healthy is very important, especially since heart disease is the number one killer in North America today. But with so much information available, what should you believe and what should you just laugh at? Here's a list to help you chuckle (which, incidentally, is very good for your…
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5 Natural Home Remedies For Headaches

Aside from the more obvious treatments for headaches which include (of course) chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy and so on, there are actually a few things that you can do at home if you are so inclined. And sometimes when you're in the throw of a bad headache, anything you can do to avoid medication is…
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7 Benefits of Mindful Breathing

Obviously breathing more deeply relaxes you – most people know that. But by using the deep breathing technique we're going to give you at the end of the article, and by using it every day, you may see some of these amazing benefits: 1. Better Breathing. Well, duh, but it should still be said that…
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Case Study: Digestive Issues and Traditional Chinese Medicine

BW came to me complaining of intense pain in his stomach and also along the left underside of his ribcage (which, incidentally, is called the ‘hypochondriac region’; ‘hypochondrium’ derived from the Greek word for ‘abdomen’).  He said he had lost his appetite, and he was feeling very tired - pretty close to the point of…
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