Webster Technique – Chiropractic Care for Pregnancy

webster technique st clair torontoThe Webster Technique was developed by Dr. Larry Webster, founder of the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). Basically, the technique involves adjusting one's pelvis to create balance, and this balance is meant to help provide better health in pregnant women. The misalignment of a pregnant woman's pelvis might potentially lead to a more difficult labour, as well as other pregnancy concerns such as low back pain, or other neural issues associated with a misaligned pelvis.

Because it is believed that pelvic misalignment can affect neural function in the uterus, it follows along this line of thinking that providing better neural function will help your baby develop in a more healthy state. In addition, a better aligned pelvis may allow more room for your baby to turn on its own, if it is in a non-optimal position, e.g. breech position.

A chiropractor using this technique must take extra coursework through the ICPA to be fully trained. Yellow Gazebo chiropractor Dr. Anita Raghubir is an ICPA-certified chiropractor trained in the Webster Technique, and so can be of assistance to you, should you need her help.

Call 416-909-2334 or book online below.


See also:

Chiropractic and Pregnancy (services page)

Chiropractic After Pregnancy

Chiropractic for Fertility - Before Pregnancy

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy

Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy for Incontinence

Webster Technique